Heavy smokers

I have to say I don’t like heavy smokers. They smell like a smoky pub, spend much money on a lot of cigarettes and, in addition, they complain on absence of money.
If they want to take out a mortgage they can’t do it because they have no money. The really heavy smokers owe their friends a lot of money. The worst thing is, that these smokers cost billions crones per year from Czech state budget. They are more often ill and in fact the others have to pay their illnesses due to their bad habit.
Our government is going to increase consumer tax including cigarettes and I agree with this decision. After that our budget will earn more money to waste this money on another reason. It’s the life. The price of cigarettes should be include profit for manufacturer, distributor and so on and also price of healing smoker’s illnesses. But after the increasing the prices would run too high and politicians wouldn’t have a courage to enforce it.
They (politicians) rather take bribes and deposit it in their huge accounts. It’s a little funny, but I suppose that our politicians earn a living as bribe-takers. I would like to live like them. I would like to can afford everything I want and to spend money on “worthless” things such as cars, houses and garden pools.
I wanted to write an article about smokers but I see that I’m writing an essay on politics. J
Anyway, have you heard any heavy smoker’s “enchanting voice”? It’s a good experience. Let’s imagine a heavy smoker. He is 30 years old and he has smoked since he was sixteen. He smoke one or two boxes of twenty cigarettes per day. It means about 5 thousands boxes, 102 thousands cigarettes since he started to smoke. Can you imagine his health state? Can you imagine his smoky bellows? He often withdraw the last crone from an ATM to buy cigarettes. That is why he is still in debts and he will never pay the debts off. And producers are happy because they sell a lot of cigarettes and they don’t worry about consumer’s health.
I would like to advise you – don’t smoke. If you didn’t start to smoke, don’t do it for ever.
The life is as good as without the cigarette.

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